Post Graduate Education
Annual Conference of AICC RCOG organized by AICC RCOG North Zone & Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology at Sant Parmanand Hospital, 31st August, 2014
The hospital is recognised for post graduate studies by the National Board of Examinations for the award of Diplomat of National Board (DNB) in Orthopaedics and Ophthalmology. At present five students are undergoing P.G. Course in Orthopaedics and five in Ophthalmology.
Conferences, Papers, Publications & Presentations
Dr. Shekhar Agarwal delivered the following lectures at various national conferences
- Femoral Reconstruction in Revision THR, Early and late dislocation causes and prevention, Clinical cases primary knee, Moderator : Hip session, Faculty : Revision hip cases. ISHKS, J W Marriott, Pune, April 2014
- Joint Replacement my journey of 30 years, Jaipur, August 2014
- Anatomic Tibia – setting a new precedent in TKR (Comparison Of Tibial Bone Coverage Of 5 Knee Prosthesis: MRI Based Study Of Indian Population), Zimmer Knee Workshop Leela Kempnsiki, Gurgoan, September 2014.
- THA in a Dysplastic Hip, Acetabular and Femoral Defects – Correct Solution – Planning and Execution, Current Concepts in Hip Arthroplasty at AIIMS Jodhpur, September 2014.
- Assessing the painful Hip Prosthesis, Video presentation on varus knee technique, NZIOACON 2015: PGIMS Rohtak, February 2015.
Dr. Shekhar Agarwal delivered the following lecture at international conference
Pedicon 2015 Workshop on Medico Legal Issues organized by Department of Paediatrics at Sant Parmanand Hospital, 21st January, 2015
Diagnosis of failed knee – Assessment and Patient consideration, Principles of treatment of periprosthetic fractures, Soft Tissue instability – Diagnosis and management, Revision Knee cases, Revision of failed hip resurfacing – indications and findings, Pelvic Discontinuity: Techniques & Results, Critical issues in revision Hip : Moderator, “Regional Revision Hip & Knee Master class”. Taipei, Taiwan, August 2014.
Dr. Shekhar Srivastav delivered the following lectures and performed live surgeries
- IAS connect programme (Indian Arthroscopy Society), PGI Rohtak: Performed Live Surgical Demonstration “Arthroscopic Bankart Repair for Shoulder Instability” & Faculty Lecture – Arthroscopic Bankart Repair – Tips & Techniques.
- Current Concepts in Shoulder Instability, Ludhiana, 2015: Faculty Lecture – “Shoulder Instability & its Management” & “Management of Frozen Shoulder”.
- Delhi Arthroscopy Course, Delhi, 2015: Moderator: Discussion on Shoulder Instability & Biceps Tenodesis and Live Surgery – Biceps Tenodesis.
- Attended ISAKOS Biannual Conference, Lyon, France.
- Shoulder Society of India, Conference, Delhi, 2015: Faculty Lecture – “Mini-open Rotator Cuff Repair” & “Elbow Arthroplasty – Tips & Techniques” and Moderator – Hemiathroplasty of Proximal Humerus Fracture and Moderator & Convener – Elbow Workshop.
- DOA Quarterly Meet – BLK hospital, Delhi, 2015: Faculty Lecture – “Management of Clavicle Fracture”.
- DOA Shoulder Update Workshop, ISIC, Delhi, 2014: Faculty Lecture – “Management of Adhesive Capsulitis”.
- DOA Musculoskeletal Imaging Meet, Delhi, 2014: Convener & Moderator for MRI session and Case Discussion – Knee & Shoulder MRI.
- Shekhar Srivastav Published the following papers Arthroscopic excision of subacromial osteochondroma causing impingement of shoulder in a patient with diaphyseal achalasia. Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma.
- “Titanium elastic nail fixation for Clavicle fractures in adults”, JAJS (Journal of Arthroscopy & Joint Surgery), Vol. 1, No. 1, 2014.
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Academic Achievement
- Nirmala Agarwal awarded Women of the year Award by WOW Foundation.
- Sonal Bathla appointed Chairman Rural Committee of Indian Menopause Society.
- Priti Arora Dhamija awarded Diploma in Pelvic Endoscopy from University of Kiel, Germany.
Conferences Organized
- “Live Workshop on Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Evidence Based Non-Mesh Management” Pre Conference Workshop of AICC RCOG NZ on 31st August 2014 at Sant Parmanand Hospital.
- Workshop “Pelvic Floor Dysfunction & Urinary Incontinence” on 27th October 2014 at Sant Parmanand Hospital. It was Post Conference Workshop of 36th Annual Conference of Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Delhi (AOGD).
- RCOG franchised BPS course held biannually (January & July 2015).
- Paper Published: Reaching the unreached: Mobile surgical camps in a remote village of Himachal Pradesh. Sonal Bathla, George Verghese, Vinod Kalla,1 T. C. Sharma,2 Subrat Dam,1 Nirmala Agarwal, Sweta Balani, Priti Arora Dhamija, Deepa Agarwal, and Praveen Kumar J Midlife Health. 2014 Jul-Sep; 5(3): 139–142.doi:10.4103/0976- 7800.141215 PMCID: PMC4195187.
- Free Surgical Camps Organized by OKTI Foundation, the Community Outreach programme of Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
- Free Surgical Camp at Manali in association with Shree Cement under aegis of IMS from June 10 to 11, 2014 where 19 major surgeries were done by Dr. George Verghese, Dr Sonal Bathla, Dr. Shiela Verghese and Dr. T.C. Sharma.
- Free surgical Camp for patients on 30/8/14 at Sant Parmanand Hospital in which 18 prolapse patients were operated free of cost by Deptt of Obs and Gynae .
- Free Mobile Surgical Camp at Herbertpur with ONGC on 29/9/14 in which 35 free surgeries were done including 14 surgeries for Prolapse. Surgeries were done by Dr. T.C. Sharma, Dr. Sonal Bathla, Dr. Daniel.
- Free Surgical Camp at Joginder Nagar Himachal Pradesh in October 2014 in which 35 major surgeries were done by Dr. George Verghese, Dr. Nirmala Agarwal, Dr. Vinod Kalla .
Academic activities
Dr Nirmala Agarwal
Faculty in RCOG Franchised MRCOG PART II written & OSCE combined revision course in Jan and July 2015, and attended International Urogynaecology Association annual conference in Nice, France in June 2015.
Dr. Sonal Bathla
- Panelist in “Changing perspective of midlife women’s Health in Rural India: Surgical perspective” at 14th world congress on Menopause in Cancun Mexico in May 2014.
- Chaired Scientific Session on RESTART, Dr Tobie de villier’s lecture on “Menopause Hormonal Therapy: Present and future challenges organized by Indian Menopause Society at Delhi on 20/7 /14.
- Judge in The “Free Communication session “ in the 4th National Conference of Gynae Endocrinologist at AIIMS in April 2014.
- Screening of Malignancy-lecture presented at Nulife Clinic Workshop aegis IMS & FOGSI joint initiative on 2nd August 2014 at Faridabad.
- Moderator in Panel Discussion on “Mid life women: Are we taking good care of them” at 10th Annual state Conference of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Zonal IMS Conference in Raipur Chhattisgarh on 7th September 2014 .
- Moderator in Panel Discussion on “ Prophylactic Oopherectomy “ at 20th National Conference of Indian Menopause Society IMSCON 2015 at Indore.
- Uretric injury: Gynaecologist’s Night mare, Guest lecture at Annual Conference and Live Workshop of Delhi Gynaecological Endoscopists Society on 3rd August 2014 at India Habitat Center, Delhi. organized by LHMC, Delhi.
- “Urogenital fistula’ lecture presented at Live Workshop on Pelvic floor Dysfunction Evidence Based Management in Annual Conference of AICC RCOG NZ at Sant Parmanand Hospital 30/8 /14.
- Panelist in Panel Discussion on “Connective tissue disorder & Renal disease” at Annual Conference of AICC RCOG-NZ on Multi disciplinary best care in Obstetrics & Gynaecologist at Inderprastha Apollo Hospital on 31/8/14.
- Surgical Anatomy of Ureter: Lecture presented at AIGE IMSCON 2014 organized by AIIMS in Delhi on 31st August 2014.
- “Management of Premature Ovarian Failure” presented at 36th Annual Conference of Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Delhi (AOGD) on 26th October 2014 at India Habitat Centre
- ‘Management of Osteoporosis’ lecture presented at CME on Osteoporosis organised by Indian Menopause Society Delhi Chapter January 2015 at Max Hospital Shalimar Bagh, Delhi.
- Chairperson in session on “Patient Communication skills” at 1st Young Narchian CME at GTB & UCMS Hospital Delhi in February 2015
- “Should termination of pregnancy of uncomplicated twin pregnancy be done at 37wks” Debate at 21st NARCHI Conference Organized by UCMS + GTB Hospital at Delhi in 2014
- Presented ‘Reaching the unreached : Mobile Surgical Camps in Himachal Pradesh’ at 14th World Congress on Menopause in Cancun Mexico in May 2014.
- Chapter in ‘Premature Menopause’: in Clinical Practice Guidelines on Menopause Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Ltd., Ed 1 2015.
- Reaching the unreached: Mobile surgical camps in a remote village of Himachal Pradesh. J Midlife Health. 2014 Jul-Sep; 5(3): 139–142.doi: 10.4103/0976-7800.141215 PMCID: PMC4195187
Dr. Arbinder Dang
- Organizing Faculty: RCOG franchised, MRCOG Part II revision course held biannually (January / July 2015) and Annual Conference of RCOG-NZ 2014
- Panelist in RCOG Annual North Zone Conference: Panel discussion in Urogynaecology module “Theme: Multidisciplinary care in Obstetrics & Gynaecology” held at Apollo Hospital in September 2015.
- Chair-person for Souvenir in Annual Conference of RCOG-NZ 2014.
Dr. Sweta Balani
- Lecture on Medical management of Stress incontinence presented at Live Workshop on Pelvic Floor Dysfunction – Evidence Based Management in Annual Conference of AICC RCOGNZ at Sant Parmanad Hospital on 30th August 2015
- Attended Urogynaecology workshop in AlIMS on 14th March 2015.
Papers Presented
Reaching the unreached : Mobile Surgical Camps in Himachal Pradesh “ Paper presented at 14th World Congress on Menopause in Cancun Mexico in May 2014.
Dr. Sachi Gupta
- Research / Publication
- Gupta R, Gupta S. Peyronie’s disease treated with oral weekly dexamethasone and continuous low-dose cyclophosphamide. Indian J Dermatol 2014; 59:317
- Paper / Poster Presentation
- “Efficacy of Methotrexate in treatment of Chronic Recalcitrant Urticaria” – At 23rd EADV Congress in Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2014.
- “Are WHO-MDT guidelines for leprosy flawed – A clinico-pathological correlation” – Prestigious “Feature Poster Presentation” at the 23rd World Congress of Dermatology in Vancouver, Canada, 2015.
Dr. Sandhya Gupta
- Faculty & Instruction course in “American Society of Retina Specialist (ASRS)” annual conference, San Diego, USA, in August 2014.
- Paper in Annual Conference of “Vitreo-Retinal Society of India (VRSI), Agra, India, December 2014.
- Faculty in Panel discussion in Delhi Ophthalmic Society Mid Term Winter Meet, December 2014.
- Lectures & Papers in Annual conference of “All India Ophthalmic Society” New Delhi, 2015 & Annual Delhi Ophthalmic Society (AIOS & DOS) 2015, on Diabetic Retinopathy – Surgical Issues and Accommodative IOLS – Pearls & Techniques.
- Participated in Live surgery sessions in Annual Delhi Ophthalmic Society Conference (DOS), New Delhi, 2015.
- Appointed as “Thesis Assessor” for Post Graduate Ophthalmology DNB students by the National Board in March 2015.
Dr. Anil Sabharwal
The department of pediatrics conducted a Pre Conference Workshop on Medical Legal Issues on 22nd January, 2015 during “PEDICON 2015” under the auspices of Indian Academy of Pediatrics. Dr. Anil Sabharwal was the organizing secretary of this workshop. He also gave a talk on “End of Life Decision Making”, during the workshop.
Dr. Atul Agarwal attended following workshops and conferences
- Imaging in Pediatric Pulomonology-26th Respicon, Varanasi, 2014
- Neonatal Lab SOP, ABG at NECON, Patna, 2014
- Medical Legal Issues at PEDICON, Delhi, 2015
- Neonatal International Conference by Experts II-Mumbai, 2014
- Respicon, Varanasi, 2014
- NEOCON, Patna, 2014
- PEDICON, Delhi, 2015